A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


A chance conversation with James this afternoon has resulted in a MAJOR sort out. James currently has the smallest room as his bedroom and I have the second biggest bedroom as my office. Given that james is growing and the amount of 'stuff' that he has is accumulating rapidly, it seems sensible to swap rooms.

However, this is not as straightforward as it seems. It has meant moving all of the bed linen and towels from the wardrobes in my 'office' to our bedroom, which of course meant that the cupboards in our room had to be sorted out first. Then all of James toys have had to be sorted out, put into stackable crates and moved into the newly emptied wardrobes. This has then allowed me to re-box all of my painting gear and transfer it into James room.

Still to do
1. remove the desks from the office into James room
2. Lay carpet in the office
3. Dismantle James' cabin bed
4. Transfer bed and drawers into James new room
5. Transfer desk and computer and printers (3 of them!) into James old room

Sounds EASY.

yeah...I have to do this over the next 5 nights - James back at his dads tomorrow night, so monday to Thursday evenings this week will be finishing the job. Poor Corin...more DIY.

Anyway, on sorting out all of the canvases in the back of the wardrobe, I found this which was the first 'real' painting I did about 3 and a half years ago. Its the only time I have attempted a landscape. Maybe this is why I haven't tried it since and have stuck with abstract stuff!

On a side note, the plot thickens with regards to our contravention of the law with regards to burning things (see yesterday). Our next door neighbour was talking with us over the fence tonight and she said that another neighbour also had a visit from the environmental health on Friday - she has had a wood burning stove fitted as part of building work on the house, and despite the builders doing it according to regulations, she has got to have the chimney extended further above the height of the house. The interesting bit is that this neighbour is of the same opinion as us as to who made the complaint...its going to potentially get unpleasant....

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