A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Is pink my colour? Does my bum look big in this?

Corin painted this.

We are trying to decide upon a name for it. There was discussion whilst in the bath last night that maybe the long haired Orks should all be female...

There was whiskey involved whilst the discussion took place. It was really highbrow! So all the 'boy' Orks are going to have traditional names such as Bert, Arthur, Albert and such like ...we just need names for the girls.

Back to work tomorrow. James has gone back to his Dads tonight until Friday. He spent all day out with his friend Jamie whilst Corin and I went and bought 16 sq metres of carpet and stripped out the old office completely. Whilst I took James to his Dad's, Corin managed to pretty much re-assemble my workspace in the new office, so fortunately the computer is up and running, ready for work tomorrow!!!
Bit difficult tonight - James been here for 16 days, apart from Christmas Eve, and the house feels quiet and empty without him...its only 5 nights, but after the holidays it is such a wrench for all 3 of us for him to go.
So I've opened a nice bottle of Barolo that mum bought me for Christmas and instead of doing something constructive, I'm blipping whilst listening to songs that make me sad!!! Doh.

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