Back to work

Where did that holiday go?!

This is the pile of folders that have been marked this holiday, along with with trusty work rucksack, which has other exciting things such as analysis of 3 years performance data, progress updates on current year groups and merit stickers (they are the most important bit!). There is another pile of coursework, out of shot - about 50 folders - which still needs to be done, but thats for this week....

The house is clean, the washing is done, Sky was installed today, Jimbo is in bed. The ironing is looking at me, but it can just bugger off to be honest. I seem to have spent the last 2 days working pretty solidly, along with bits and bobs over the holiday.

Its time for a nice cup of Jasmine tea and maybe a biscuit, then bed...and hopefully sleep will come quickly.

If its your first day back tomorrow, you have my sympathy. May a large dump of snow descend from the heavens and block your path out of your front door.............

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