Tractor Wednesday .....

Another day of running around. Another heifer calved this morning so had to turf a cow and calf out a pen to the field to make room for her.
A surprise visit from a school pal who was last here on a class visit in 1977 when we were in P7. After a catch up and coffee, I headed off to Hamilton Tractors at Carnwath to collect a big box of expensive oil and fuel filters for the McCormick tractors. This just happened to coincide with their open day , so had a look at all the shiny new tractors and kit that I can't afford and filled up on coffee and sandwiches as well.
Home via the vet's to collect some vaccine then over to help wee brother bring in another cow with a calf that hadn't sucked.
This is one of the Landini tractors there today, decked out in a non standard metallic blue. Looks the job anyway.

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