A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


For the avoidance of doubt... the Green Room is now green.  No longer the yellow walls and terracotta ceiling.  For those in need of terracotta ceilings, you can sleep in our ensuite...

I've been ensconced in the Green Room with an assortment of paint today - interspersed only by the plumber popping by to fix a minor issue, and look at the next job - in bathroom 6-of-9.  

Also, pleasingly, I managed to fix the fireplace - the bottom of the left 'leg' had dropped off previously and been attached with slobs of Polyfilla; and had fallen off again, unsurprisingly. 

Now attached with something more subtle, though I will admit it's held in position at the moment by a trebuchet made from a bread knife and a large can of paint.  If something goes ping in the night...

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