From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

The Market Gone Wild!

Once a month on a Friday, a market takes over Solihull. It always makes me groan!

I've never been fond of markets of any description really. All that shuffling round slowly trying to avoid getting trodden on by people walking about backwards or sideways. Even if they are walking forward, their heads are looking in a completely different direction. It's HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE!

There is also always a dratted ostrich burger stall. Look, I know ostrich meat is much better for you (lower in fat, blah blah) but I hate that sickly smell especially after I've been munching at my desk all morning and my jacket spud, crisps and Mars bar are doing the tango with those Jelly Babies I unwisely ate earlier.... You can guarantee some revolting child pigging out on too much ice cream and candy floss has spewed up at the corner of the alley too. Bleurgghh!

Anyway, this picture was at 6.55 in the morning when the market was at its best (in my opinion). It was a little way off beginning.

Track? Now, there aren't any market type tracks I can think of. All I can say is that it's a jungle out there...

Run Through the Jungle

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