The Pontipines

Today's the day ....................... to drift off

Somewhere around 6.30pm every night, in most of the houses in the land where there's a pre-school child, the 'Night Garden'  will be working its magic.

The Night Garden  is home to a variety of characters - each more bizarre than the last - but their combined effect is to induce a comatose state in the child in the certain knowledge that bedtime is approaching.  Even Igglepiggle, always the last one to succumb, eventually gets in under his red blanket and drifts off to sleep.  What would we do without it?

Why childrens' characters have to be quite so odd - I'm not sure - but I don't think it's anything new.  The extra is Dominic's favourite bath toy by far.  I think it's out of the original 'Ghostbusters' and its main attraction is that its eye pops out of its socket if you squeeze it.  If you fill it up with bath water first, so that the popping eye is accompanied by a jet of water, well it really has no equal - in Dominic's opinion.

Funny thing is - I seem to remember that his Dad was rather fond of it too, all those years ago when he used to play with it .................... 


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