
We arrived in France at 10pm last night, checked into our hotel near the tunnel and were surprised at how many Police vans and cars were in the car park. After dropping our cases off at the room, we went and had a drink at the bar.

Within no time at all, we were surrounded by the local Gendarme, all kitted out with weapons and guns.  Rose asked them if she could take a photo of them, and also asked why they were there, to which they replied 'because of the immigrants'.  It's interesting to see, particularly in light of Brexit, that there was such a Police presence, basically preventing the immigrants from getting into England.  I've put my photo of them in my extras.

We met for breakfast this morning and Alan pointed out a room where the Police had set up a command centre, so it looks like they have a permanent base there at the moment.  It felt quite reassuring that we were safe!

After breakfast we went to Cite Europe to get some wine, before driving to Belgium.  Rose had arranged to meet her Dutch friend, Jeff, at 12pm and we all went on a horse and cart ride around the town. Unfortunately it started to rain part way round, so we got a bit wet!

Once our ride had finished we went and had a drink and some nibbles, and then did a bit of sightseeing/shopping. The wind was so cold though, that we left a little sooner than planned and drove back to France for a couple of nights in St Omer.

We've been out for dinner and now it's time for bed, I think we're all tired!

Apologies for the lack of comments, but as you can imagine, we're a bit busy at the moment!

Have a good weekend!

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