It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Role Reversal

It was a big day for me today. After being at Celtman with Rosemary back in June, I remembered how much I enjoyed doing triathlon. Since then, I've been focussing on training for the Haddington sprint triathlon. Ok, so it's not an Ironman but I've struggled with a knee injury for many years that has prevented me from running too much.

It was a big thing for me just to get to the start line injury free. The secret has been a rather simple one limit run training and if I feel sore, then I miss the session! I've also been on a bit of a diet and managed to loose 10kg since June.

I was panicky yesterday as my whole upper-right-leg was sore and my hamstrings were so tight. Rosemary suggested that it was just pre-race tension and everything would be fine. Inside my head, I was thinking "don't be so bloody stupid, I know it's real pain". In fact, a wee bit of my frustration came out in grumpyness! Woops....I think RB was right.

This morning was an early start and old friend Graham picked me up at 7am for the trip down to Haddington. Rosemary cycled down a little later. I was utterly calm knowing the course well etc....until RB started putting doubts in my head. "Are you sure the pool is 25m, it looks very small"....grrrrr but I had done my prep and was confident that I knew what was going on.

At 10:15 I was off! After about 50m, I got a tap on my feet from the swimmer behind signalling that he wanted past. 2 swimmers passed....but I suspect their pacing was out and they soon fatigued. I was then getting held up! After about 100m and 3 hard tugs on the chap in front's ankles, he still didn't stop....grrrrr them is the rules. I swug out before he managed to turn, shouuted "stop" and then got in front. Immediately, I pulled out a big gap.

On exiting the pool, RB shouted "you're first out" (in the heat) which was great. Around 14 mins which was ahead of target. Transition was ok but it took about 5km to get my breathing settled. I was still in the lead though! Turning out of Pencaitland, up the hill, I decided to change to the small ring and shipped the chain! I tried to get it back on but failed....I had to stop. Hey it happened to Bradley and one of the Schleck's so I didn't feel too bad! A bit of time lost but I remained calm! I had lost the lead as a tight pack of 4 riders went past! Hmmmmm, in a non-drafting race! Cheating!

Still, I was enjoying myself and pushed on to T2, got my trainers on and off I went. Feed time so I had a gel....the Torq with caffeine in it. I was feeling relatively good and got into a good pace. I imagined my "magic poles" a strategy RB and I employ when going up steep hills so that we drive with our arms! It always works. Just after the turn, one guy passed me but I had the next guy in my sights! I eventually caught him and we ran together for just over 1km. I kicked on a slight downhill bit and then proceeded to chase the guy that had passed me earlier.

Goodness, it was hard and I was hurting but still loving every second. I crossed the line in about 1hr 22 in 52nd place overall outta about 130ish. Rosemary was there to welcome me, which was great, especially as she had a milkshake waiting. She was a great supporter.

For once, I was really target complete a triathlon injury free and simply to do my best. Apart from a dodgy gear-shift, it was a brill race and I'm really positive as I know I can go quite a bit faster! Thanks to Graham for the lift and to RB for the cheers, making my lunch and being brill!

Ohhh n RB was taking the piccies and I was racing, hence role reversal!

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