Crathes Castle

A bright morning with sunny spells, but a cloudy afternoon and chilly in the wind. Mist is coming down the mountains tonight.

Up early and off out exploring, even had a red squirrel jump out in front of the car! Too sudden to get a snap. Into the mountains North of the house, and ended up as far as Banchory. Back to the house for lunch, and Big Brian and Madeline came by. They are staying the night in their new caravan, bought from England and on their way home. We took them to Steptoe's Yard this afternoon, with teas in Montrose after. Had evening dinner and relaxing with a beer now.  

While we were up north, it was time to explore another castle, this time it was Crathes Castle. I have a feeling I was here as a bairn. No tour today but a self guided tour of the castle and gardens. Is and reminds me of Scalloway castle back home.  

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