
Today's the day ................. for Rosmarinus officinalis

Or simply - Rosemary - to good friends.

I have a pot of Rosemary beside the back door so I didn't have to go far to get this shot.  The flowers are very delicate and a lovely shade of blue - and because they are small, you would hardly ever notice them.  Rosemary is a member of the mint family Lamiaceae, which includes many other herbs.  The name 'rosemary' derives from the latin for 'dew' (ros) and 'sea' (marinus) - so it is 'dew of the sea'

Apparently, some of the most interesting and unique health benefits of rosemary include its ability to boost memory, improve mood, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, protect the immune system, stimulate circulation, detoxify the body, protect the body from bacterial infections, prevent premature aging, and heal skin conditions.

A truly wonderful plant that I use all the time ......................


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