
No bread!! No bread for toast! So Steve was out early for bread and came back with four giant chocolate croissants. It was very much a "calm down, chill out and cheer up" breakfast of croissants and hot chocolate this morning, after the washing-up fairy failed to turn up yet again last night. Still, we all managed to get dressed and I have stumbled through the day. Found a very interesting thing on pinterest as I was hunting for some letter "C"s to take inspiration from, all about caffeine. Might link to it tomorrow if I can find it again. Seems I'm going through classic withdrawal!! But, given that caffeine apparently does the same thing to a body that heroin, cocaine and amphetamines do except milder, I think in the long run it has GOT to be worth it.

Steve did some work on part of the PA rack this morning, and once Charley had gone to sleep (in the wrap, followed by a fairly successful transfer to the bed involving only fifteen minutes lying down with him before I could actually get up and leave him) and Steve and Ben had hoovered up with Big Henry and DeskTop Henry I actually finally got chance to draw on one of the mugs I painted up last week!!

Steve and Ben mowed the lawn after lunch (cold cheese and onion pie from yesterday - absolutely divine, and Charley agreed!!) and Charley watched from the meitai on my back for a change. We inspected the spiders, swung on the swingseat, investigeted the slowworm whivh Steve spotted hiding in a crack on the concrete patio. Ben and Steve played "tennis" for a bit and it has been decided we could do with getting a swingball set...

Steve was off out again this evening, helping do the PA for an evening youth service so the boys and I had dinner on our own. Sausages and beans and mash! And even if the beans were hard and the mash watery it wasn't so bad, and was appreciatedas we were all getting grumpy and hungry by then. Once fed though a miracle happens with our temperaments and the boys are generally happy to play for a while longer, so I was actually able to wash up before putting them to bed!

And then a miracle DID happen and Charley let go and I was able to get out of bed. And not only that, but get the chores done that I'd asked Steve to do only he wasn't home yet, AND paint another handful of mugs. (Just after I'd started the mugs, and a long time after I had mistakenly expected Steve home, the doorbell rang. When it rang a second time I flew downstairs ready with a verbal tirade to deliver to Steve as I assumed it was him and he'd forgotten his keys - who else could it be at this time of night?!

Uh - only someone that he'd arranged to come and pick up our old barbecue, without telling me, that's all!!! Good grief am I glad I was actually wearing pyjamas that covered all the necessities :-/

Poor fella, I was so caught off guard I think I came across as a bit rude and I felt awful about that once I'd sent him away saying I'd get Steve to call him once he arrived home...

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