All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Party in the Park

Today was party day ... well ... Party in the Park day to be precise! We spent a few hours there with Ethan and could easily have stayed longer as there was so much to do. I've never been in that park before and each time you turned round a corner of trees, there was another bouncy castle, or another ride or another stall. It just went on and on! As we spent over an hour queuing for Ethan to have a balloon made (which he ended up not being impressed with - think it's because the balloon guy initially said he'd make a helicopter but then changed it to an alien hat when Ethan said he wanted a green balloon), we couldn't face any more queues, so that limited what else we'd let him do.

By the time we left it was 2.30pm so we had a late lunch at the carvery. Ended up being sat at the table beside one of hubbies ex colleagues so had a natter with them too while we were there.

Ethan and I are staying overnight with the Foreveryoungs tonight as that's them back from their holidays now.

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