All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Try before you buy

I don't want to talk too soon, but finally, this week Ethan has started going to bed without a fuss. This is after several difficult months where every bedtime has involved lots of tears and tantrums from him which have lasted up to 2 hours. Although he's still going to sleep later than I'd like (8.30pm-9pm) and waking earlier than I'd like (6.30am on average), the fact bedtime isn't a battle and he's sleeping through the night again is big progress. However, he's catching up on his sleep during the daytime as it's now not unusual for him to have a 2 hour daytime nap (what a contrast from the baby days when I struggled to get him to nap at all). Hopefully over the coming weeks it will all sort itself out and he'll sleep longer at night and less during the day.

Busy morning - gymnastics class, shopping at Morrisons, cake making (which of course he had to sample BEFORE it went in the oven), soup making .... then Ethan flaked out for his nap. Could have done with one myself by then!

Over to Bathgate when he woke so we could feed the Foreveryoungs cats. A bit of trainspotting at Bathgate station, home via the chipp, then straight into 3 hours of overtime for me while hubbie and Ethan had fun playing downstairs. I was well ready for bed after all that!

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