Cake it is!

I was supposed to be meeting old work friend and going to my favourite garden today - but rain stopped that idea! So we met in the garden centre instead! This is the only photo I took as just too busy looking, buying, chatting! They do a great range of cakes and very large portions! I settled for a toasted teacake! Unfortunately as I went to pay i discovered the top had come off my water bottle and I had a very large puddle in my bag! Many napkins later the floor was dry but the contents of my bag not! We spoke of work,  Brexit. Trump and the menopause!!! Pick your poison!
I managed to buy all I wanted - slug preventative wool and tape, seedling cell trays, with lid and base X3 for £6! I bought an expanding willow trellice to replace the wooden one I'm using to barricade my plants from Milly and Tilly! Oh and could not resist a headless upright bather in an old swimming costume! Blue and white not red like the lovely real one I saw in Totnes but cheaper! I did muse with my colleague about the growing zest for vintage - are we getting nostalgic for what we think were more happy, innocent times? Or were things back then just better made?!  
I also got 32 m of black mesh! Once more I have had to rationalise my plans for the allotment - started too late once more and I cannot dig the entire 2 1/2 plots! I'm wasting time and energy pulling up grass and the dandelions are pushing up through the now sodden cardboard! Plus it all looks a downright mess! So I will cover the majority, dig beds as and when and get on with planting what I can! Once we had loaded my car we went back for cake - strawberry cream tart for me! ( Oh I forgot a passion flower also crept into my car!)
We then headed for waitrose - whole list of necessities to get and a pack of JellyBelly cocktail jellybeans were discovered and also put in the basket! Time to part with plans for the lovely garden on a sunnier day! 
When I got home a van was in my parking space! So I had to park further down and only took in the necessity shopping! Shortly after knock on the door and it was Colourful Mai - whose van it was in my space! We had tea and biscuits and a good old natter after forgiving her for being in my space! I told her she knew how to wind me up and enjoyed watching me spin! We made plans to go to a festival at Lostwithiel on sunday - weather dependant!
So dinner, chicken lock up and retrieval of stuff from the car - I had to park in my neighbours space as I think they have visitors who parked in mine! Seriously! Respect others parking spaces people!!!!! 

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