One of those days....

...when everything went so well it kinda freaked me out! 
Pottering in the morning with household chores and got washing done and on the line, at midday  I made myself a packed lunch and headed to the allotment. I forgot to say I found the Membrillo ( Quince paste )I'd been looking for ever since the Totnes Tapas meal - in the deli section at Waitrose! So I cut some cubes of Manchego cheese, buttered a brioche bap and layered the membrillo over it, wrapped each in the BeesWrap and grabbed an apple and a bag of crisps! 
I bumped into  a friend  who used to be a nurse at my old school  just as I reached the allotment and we had a good catch up. It was a mite windy but sunny and I dug over a bed quite easily where I had had flowers and potatoes last year. I had of course first gone down to the girls and given them treats!  I put up 5 bamboo wigwams and then sat in the sun and ate my lunch and checked the news and blip on my phone! I then planted 5 different types of beans and then sweetpeas and then decorated each wigwam with windchimes that I had taken out of the resources Room  - really because I had forgotten to put the plant labels in my bag! 
Time to see Girls once more and give them some yogurt and the apple I hadn't eaten! The wind was picking up by this point and rain was forecast for 4 and sure enough I felt some raindrops! Just as I  was putting the electric fence on Brummie Girl arrived! I had a tour of her plot and explained the attack on her peas was from mice! They do love to nibble the leaves so they resemble Holly! I gave her a big bunch of cut raspberry canes to lay across them - mice don't like the prickly stems! Then home in time to get the washing in before the heavens opened! 
I checked the news - I'm always hoping and anticipating Trump's impeachment! Then dinner, some TV series catch up and knitting!
So why the freaking out? Because the day was so well organised, I ate breakfast,lunch and tea, I got things done and I relaxed! This is not normal - for me at least! The feeling is so unusual it makes me feel like a Stepford wife - well ish! Also I feel like something awful is bound to occur to upend this organised existence. I remember having this dislocating feeling when I was in a similarly organised state many, many years ago, and although I had given up smoking I went out and bought a packet just to disrupt this normal, achieving existence! 
I have no idea if this day  is normality, but for me it seems normal, and I think I have a fear of being normal - hence the freaking out! Maybe tomorrow I'll have an unproductive day and silly eating habits and I'll feel myself again - normal for me! 

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