A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Sharing the safety love

Obviously it is missing:

blip: here's a picture of the donut I made/bought/saw a pigeon eat today.

I spent the evening at an online safety talk at Anna's school where I surprised myself by actually learning some stuff. And then surprised the kids by managing to make my I'm trying to be a responsible parent and help you stay safe voice sound like my I'm definitely not cross with you but am ever so slightly upset and let down and this is much harder for me than for you voice. They mocked me and apparently that is all that is needed to make the world right.

The rest of the day has been fairly low key and not bad at all, just not the super productive day I somehow felt sure was headed my way when I woke up. Still, I did go for my best run so far and even had a little left in the tank which was good timing as my belief I could ever progress was starting to wane.

And for those keen to track the boy (but not in an evil location settings on way) he had another merry jaunt around Hyde Park today. Having discovered the freedom of the tube is planning to visit some more London landmarks. Ironically given this blip he is unlikely to share the photos he takes with anyone but us.

Though I of course have been an exemplar of internet safety as the only time I have met someone irl I had previously only met online I took a friend, three kids and a dog.

Lesley x

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