Goodbye Bibby Stockholm

A tad breezy at times, but the wind has fallen away this evening.  The sun has been shining for the most of the day, apart from the odd cloud passing over, and warm too.

The paracetamol worked and back to work today.  I've been in the office all day, and plenty of orders to work with.  It's was 10 years ago today when the museum opened, for the official opening, I can hardly believe it.  I started on 9th April 2007.  I popped down to Cunningsburgh at lunchtime, at my sister Laura's.  Walkies this evening, and then mam, dad, Laura and family popped over. Working in the pub tonight.  

Finally the last barge has left the island.  This is the Bibby Stockholm, and I blipped it's arrival in March 2013.  There are still men working up here, but they are contained to the north at Sellafirth.  I hear rumours that they may return in the future.  Taken from the Shetland Museum, looking over Hay's Dock and Bressay Sound. 

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