In da Keetchin

Woke up with a sunny morning, by the time I arrived in Lerwick, it was cloudy and remained cloudy for the day.  A sunny evening back home but it has clouded over again. 

I've had a busy day in the museum office and been scanning old slides from the late 1950s and 60s.  Some really interesting photos, some including Norwegian whale catchers from South Georgia, berthed in Scalloway.  Also plenty with people, keep me busy trying to name them.  I had a quiet evening and then mam and nieces popped by.  We went for a run to Burra and back to mine for a cuppa.  Off to work in the pub again tonight.

I went for a walk with Sammy, while mam put niece Elise home.  I headed down to the Voe of North Hoose and what a mess with litter and rubbish, a major Redd Up is needed there!  I walked over to the old abandoned houses and this old house looks like it was just walked out of, closed the door and left all their belongings behind.  The kitchen  is slowly rotting away, while the everyday utensils still hanging on the wall, or the kettle waiting to boil.  Cracked windows etc, not be long before it's all gone.  Taken on the east isle of Burra.  

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