Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Winter Uniform

As Carys didn't get a back to school photo because of my trip to the Paralympics I felt she should have one of her in her winter uniform (she went back in summer dresses as it was still quite warm). Looking back at the photo from last year she has grown up and filled out a little too, which is no bad thing for my Skinny Minnie.

Did circuits at the gym this morning, someone gave the instructor an 'evil' injection and he broke me (or at least my arms and abs). I haven't been broken at circuits for a long time. Not really looking forward to tomorrow as I can feel my arms as I type, hopefully my legs will be ok and I will still be able to run rather than crawl.

William is a Goslings and then we are meeting friends at the local farm for picnic tea after school pick up so I thought I would just do my blip now, in peace and quiet. The plan is to do some ironing etc this evening, but I may just be collapsing into bed.

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