Blists Hill Victorian Town

It is years since I had been to the Ironbridge Gorge Museum so I decided to make a visit today. The Iron Bridge was the work of Isambard Kingdom Brunel and the Ironbridge Gorge area is now a World Heritage Site with the ironworks and so many living reminders of our industrial history.

I concentrated on the Blists Hill Victorian Town - a wonderful "working" town with staff in the many emporiums dressed in period costume. You can even change your money at the Bank at the entrance for Victorian tokens, representing 1d and such.

I chose this photo of the dressmaker, in the General Draper and Outfitters. When I commented that it was great that she was actually sewing, she was quick to reply, "It's how I make my living". The shop was filled with hand sewn articles and beautiful designs, plus sparkling Singer sewing machines. She smiled as she told of how her grand-daughter (who has had a needle in her hand since she was five) had made a tea cosy for the Queen and she had received a lovely reply, saying that Her Majesty had taken the delicately patchworked item with her to Balmoral.

Blists Hill is a Blipper's Paradise.

The grumpy grocer

Gospel Car and Sunday School

Swings in the Victorian fairground

Victorian postman and his friend

A selection of Victorian cards

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