Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Fosse way view

Obviously this is one of many it being a very long road.

This particular view is at the junction of the Fosse way and the road between Withybook and Pailton looking towards Withybrook right and Coventry left.

Its a stitched pano of 3 images covering just over 90 degrees. I'm disappointed that the light wasn't brilliant so it's a mono tonight. If I'd had my 5D you'd be able to make out the Spires on Coventry which I guess are 7-8 miles away.

Finally its the weekend. Its going to be getting necessary things for Jamie for Uni. Important stuff that he hasn't got already in his bedroom - like router. I think thats the end of the high priority items list...!

Then secondary items like towels, bedding, cooking utensils, pots, plates, cups, glasses, knives, forks etc, then tertiary items like food, washing powder (I expect that won't get used)......No doubt money will be required too.

No football this weekend after Jonathan tore his hamstring at the start of last Sunday's match. Its going to me another week minimum before he's fit to even think about starting to train again.

That leaves Sunday free - What to do?

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