Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Desmond On The Table

Bit of a crazy day at work on the wards today. I don't know what it is but at certain times of the year, there seems to be a batch of patients who are more challenging...still, I do like a challenge!

Lewis came down to primary school on the way home from his school which was nice as his younger brothers were thrilled to bits to see him "collecting" them with me. The younger two had their school photos taken today so I hope their white tops stayed clean long enough!! I think the school has the sense to do the photos first thing before their uniforms are splattered with mud from playtime.

Nipped to Subway with Graham before returning home to find Desmond on the kitchen table...which, as you can see, is a bit of a dumping ground, especially at the end of the week. Always something nice for Desmond to curl up on though...a newspaper or a backpack!!

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