
B is taking katie round the garden showing her what she'd like us to do with it while she is away. It's all a bit bitter-sweet. They had a really wonderful lesson together. I dropped her off and left completely. B said she could tell katie had done some thinking and that she'd worked very hard. So much so that it was a seven sticker day. The only downer of the lesson was the end when B reminded her that she'll see katie in 6 weeks time. They've arranged some Skype calls but Katie's quite scowly about it. B has arranged a teacher to cover for her for some of it because of Katie's forthcoming exam & festival but it's not the same as her B. They had a game of chase and a big cuddle goodbye. It is going to be a long few weeks though for her!

Interestingly, this time last year we were saying hello to B after a trip to India, and this year off she goes!

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