A MIMent In Time

By justmim


What a day :)

Half day of placement (I don't need to tell you it was good!) followed by lunch in the canteen (I don't need to tell you it smelt better than it tasted!) followed by a post lunch nap (I don't need to tell you it went on longer than expected!). Which all set me up for a few hours of surprisingly productive study :)

And then-back to Edinburgh :) I couldn't make my mind up whether or not to go to THE freshers ceilidh. At the start of the week I thought I would, then as the week progressed I decided not. Until 6.15pm with less than an hour until my train. Bit of a dash but I made my train and the ceilidh in ceilidh friendly clothes...and oh it was worth it :)

So good to see some familiar faces and meet some new people. Admittedly I was all about the familiar faces today, but plenty of time to get to know the rest :)

Now tucked up in my own bed, tired but oddly refreshed! And looking forward to seeing at least one of my two flatmates tomorrow :)

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