Not quite to plan.....

She did some absolutely gorgeous clarinet this morning. When this kid concentrates, she really does work hard and fast. She started a new piece last night and is doing fabulously on it already. We made sure we left time to walk to school this morning, not cycle.

I asked her what was good today and she said Orchestra and coding on the iPads. She giggled a while too and showed me that she had green paint at the end of her plaits from a piece of class artwork, part of the school's City of Culture project.

We had a nice walk home- we happened to bump into one of her old ballet teachers, a lovely lady who lives near Katie's school that we both really like. We were all headed basically the same way so we walked together & had a nice catch up.

I gave her tea as soon as we got home and she did some piano before going to dance class. She was excited after class as we are babysitting for one of her best friends & bigger sister. Lydi and katie had a play together and were just snuggled in bed together when lydis sister arrived home. The two of them were quite fussy. Katie whispered to me when I went up "mama, I wish I could go to my bed in our house". Shortly after, she appeared downstairs because Lydi was singing and wriggling. Maybe one of the perils of being an only child, she's very used to a quiet house at bedtime beyond selected bedtime music. She asked me to sit with her but she struggled to settle so I left her a couple of music with favourite songs playing. She finally gave up and went to sleep about 930. She's wrapped in a blanket on the sofa across from me. I think she's going to be a little narky tomorrow, given we have to leave by 830!

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