
We took the dogs for a walk this morning which ended up being a bit longer than planned as we had to flee from the cows who were kicking off, protecting their calves, after a Red Setter whose owner we were standing talking to decided to bark at them. Someone we'd passed earlier mentioned that the cows were a bit fractious today and a woman on horseback had also felt it necessary to warn us. Happy days!

After doing various chores we thought we'd head over to Thursley to see what was happening. When we got to the field Colin the cuckoo (as he is called by some photographers although I'm not convinced as he doesn't look like a Colin to me) was already calling and sitting in an oak tree. It wasn't long before he came down to get some grubs and he hung around for ages until he'd really had his fill.

The photographer we met the first time we went arrived at the same time as us and he reckons Colin will be around for another month, as he was last year. If so, we should have a few more chances to get pictures of him in flight but I was quite pleased with today's effort for starters.

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