
To think we almost dug up this beauty and threw it on the waste tip.  But thankfully we were intrigued by this plant which suddenly appeared in the garden, and wisely decided to plant it out again.
The result is a prize example of a wild orchid. They call it 'pyramidal' which apparently comes from the conical shape of the flowers of this plant.
Although e are well acquainted with the beauty of indoor potted orchids and have  a number around the house, I have to admit I was totally oblivious of the potential beauty of a wild version.
I am told you can find them growing wild in many parts of southern England in particular, but very likely you’ll find it growing in  the wild anywhere all over Europe.
We deliberately nurtured this one once we had identified it, and have watched with amazement each June when it comes into flower.

This year is undoubtedly the best result yet. It started off as a single conical bloom when we first discovered it a few years back — this year we have 14 separate blooms and it is in full colour now. And to think we almost discarded it as just another weed!

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