Dirtbag Dog

Every time I go to Cottage Garden nursery and see this cute dog he has found another appealing place to hang out. Today he was on top of the cash counter in a handcrafted bowl that fitted him perfectly. I always think of him as the 'Dirtbag Dog' because he can often be found on top of a tall stack of bags of soil....being rather small he apparently prefers to be more at eye level with the customers, although he does have a very nice dog basket on the floor in front of the wood stove in the winter when it is lit. Now I just have to remember to find out his name...the real one.

Our barbecued brisket over which OilMan and Rick toiled all day yesterday was worth the effort. The timing was pretty good too. About ten minutes after Rick brought it inside, the skies turned dark and reverberated with thunder and lightning. I was in the kitchen when the hail started and I watched transfixed as it shot horizontally off the garage roof. It was NOT California weather and certainly beat up some of our blooming plants.

Peter managed to join us for dinner after working eighteen of the previous twenty four hours and driving home through the deluge. No stories about the good old boys at the Bohemian Club as he never gets out of the kitchen....

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