Little swallows

Today's the day ...................... to carry on regardless

This is possibly the worst photograph I've ever uploaded to Blip - but I'm going to do it anyway in the hope that you'll get the general idea.

It's a swallow's nest under the eaves on Platform 2 of Carnforth Station and it's been there for as long as I can remember.  Every year, by some sort of miracle, a pair of swallows return from Africa (or wherever it is that they have been on their winter vacation) - and get it ready again as their summer home.  Then, in due course, you notice the gaping beaks and realise that another generation has made an appearance. 

This year, there are four little swallows calling out for attention - and the parents are busy flying in and out with no doubt delicious morsels of food for much of the time.  All this is going on regardless of the comings and goings of railway passengers and trains, station announcements and the general hustle and bustle of a busy station.

You can get used to anything in time .........................

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