Barra Airport

Today's the day .................... to land on the beach

Well, we've come a long way today - physically, mentally - and culturally.

We left Kendal this morning at sparrow's fart and proceeded via two trains and a bus to Glasgow Airport.  Here we boarded a little twin-otter plane with a dozen or so others.  We had our flight safety instruction from the co-pilot and then we pelted down the runway and took off for the southernmost Outer Hebridean island of Barra.

It was the most wonderful flight because we could see everything stretched out below us.  We weren't flying all that high and it was just like a geography textbook - the Mull of Kintyre, Ardnamurchan, Mull, Rhum, Eigg - and eventually Barra.  The best bit of all then - because there's no airport as such - the plane lands on one of the big sandy beaches.  It was a text book landing too.  No problem!

It was all the sweeter because we have tried to do this before - but we were thwarted.  Today it was worth the wait.  And that's a huge tick on the bucket list of life . . . . . 

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