
By AlrightFlower


...around in the car for much of today, popping back to the house in between times to hang out more washing :-)

It's odd but, when I'm short of money, I feel the need to spend what I've got left! It's not as bad as it might seem, however. My purchases (shoes, boots, a rucksack and a pair of trousers) should've cost £147 but I got them for less than half that. Thank god for outlets!

I went over the level crossing at the end of the village five times today, and had to wait every time! At least I knew to stop though - the first time I had the flashing lights, I wasn't sure whether I had to stop or not and nearly ended up with a barrier-shaped dent in the car roof... I love the way the red brick is old and slightly crumbling, and has been blackened over the years.


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