Proud Weegie

By Shiv

On the Canal

Lovely day. Tidying up the garden before the weather turns nasty.

No 3 has really got the hang of her 2 wheeler bike, enough so - that Mr S finally agreed she was good enough to cycle along the canal and not end up in the drink!!

I even dusted off my pedals to join in. I had forgotten how much fun it was. I grew up in a little village and a bike was the only way to get around. Bus's only came every half hour and my 10p pocket money only stretched to a trip to the swimming 'baths' (5p for a swim, 4p each way on the bus and 1p for the hair dryers and 1p left!).

This would horrify my kids - 10p pocket money!!! Mind you - a packet of crisps was 2.5p and penny caramels were -well- a penny (and they were the size of your head!).

No mum's taxi to drive you to your social occasions ! If you couldn't cycle or walk there you stayed at home !

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