There Was Lovely Light on the Mountains.......

....this afternoon.
A break in the clouds was a welcome's been the first in days.
As I write a huge... very thick BLACK cloud has blotted out any light there was.

It was handy to be able to blip this off of the deck (as the day has been full of meetings at the Hospital for Dad and phone calls) and I was wondering where I was going to get time and inclination......nature did it all for me....wonderful.

They are kicking Dad out of Hospital tomorrow..he is going home...that's what everyone wants really.
I wonder at his indomitable spirit that clings to life despite all the ailments and me it is such a mystery........whatever..... I am happy even though he is one of the most stubborn buggers I have ever met.

At least now help for Mum has been put in place even though the phone calls and dealing with it all has not finished yet...another big day sorting it all out tomorrow.

I have started putting my Rumi book together...I cry a lot....gosh I miss him.
Feeling into it I'm not quite ready for another four legged friend yet though.

“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”

(no stars tonight though)

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