When Needs Must.......

..The Devil blips another Poppy.

The weather is still rather crappy and not much else to blip in the garden........ which seems to be denuded of all flowers except for the fuschias. Poppies are always lovely though.

I attended assembly at Flynns school this morning I was surprised to see him sitting on the stage in front of the whole school .....practicing his 'Silent sitting' Every morning they have a 5 min meditation which they call silent sitting and Flynn is a very good silent sitter.....not sure where he got that from as his mum and I were rubbish at that when we were kids.
He was cute as.

I went to the Hospital and packed Dad up for the big move back home.
I am worried.
Even though I put things in place for Mum to get so help with him...Im not quite sure if she will be up to it....he came out a completely different man to how he went in.

If everything goes to plan I think I will have a little lie in tomorrow morning.

Hello BikerBear...hope you are well....I actually remembered again....thank you for hosting...as always.

“We are each a river with a particular abiding character, but we show radically different aspects of our self according to the territory through which we travel.”
- David Whyte

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