MacKenzie's Farm Shop an Cafe

It's been another lovely day.  Plenty of sunshine, but some cloud about too.  It turned overcast this evening, with a light shower.

I've been working in the museum all day.  There was a big staff meeting this morning, changes are coming but we'll have to wait to hear what's in store.  More meetings in the afternoon, More lightsome and about future exhibitions.  It was mostly a lazy evening, but popped along friends later.  

On my lunch break, I went for a look at the new shop that opened today.  Cunningsburgh hasn't had a shop in a few years now, the last shop closed due to poor management.  This farm shop is great.  Various different foods, local produce and crafts on sale.  And then there is a cafe too, shame I didn't have time to try it.  Plenty of folk travelled to have a look.  Taken at the new MacKenzie's Farm Shop and Cafe, north Cunningsburgh.  

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