Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

More Yellow Roses

About the time that I have thoroughly given up on the roses; the moment that I am convinced that there will be no more blooms, the buds appear. I think it's magic.

In today's overwhelming heat (not sure if it was 104 or 106 degrees F--differing reports) as I walked through the backyard with the pooches, I rounded the corner to stroll toward the patio fountain and spotted the yellow rose bush showing off half-a-dozen new buds about to open and this one that has. I'm sure I've blipped entirely too many of these, but this is today about the prettiest thing in this backyard.

I was going to clean the bathtub today in the master bath, and then without meaning to I was cleaning the walls of the bathroom. With the AC on at about 79 degrees and lots of fans blowing, I could hardly believe that I was over-achieving. All I needed to do was rinse out the tub . . it had been a few days and the tub was collecting dust. Then I was carried away and washing walls. Sheeeeeeesh! So one major task accomplished.

I also shredded lots of paperwork that has been sitting on the shredder waiting for me to take a moment . . . so today was the day.

I also read an article that I am going to be using with my students; I've read it before, but I've never had it open-up so clearly as it did for me today. I was thrilled. I read while Mr. Fun was off and gone with our son-in-law to the Indy Car Race at Fontana Speedway. In the quiet of those hours I did some reading and some emailing with students.

This has been a good day. I could have gotten a lot more done, but I'm thankful for what I did accomplish.

Good night from a VERY hot Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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