Bad Composition

After doing a bit of hedge cutting (much, much more still to be done) I nipped up to the recycling dump (despite the public's best attempts and filling all the separate skips for different kinds of recyclable waste the council has never managed to rise above the 40% recycled since the first month of opening ....... they have to just be dumping stuff!).
On the way back I stopped and took my life in my hands and went onto the roundabout with the infrared camera (my weapon of choice for the day). 
I am sure the sculptor of our piece of art took inspiration from the Russian space race sculpture. By the way - ours is bigger than my pictures show.
I like that the grass hasn't been cut - but infrared isn't really condusive to pictures of grass and buttercups. There was however plenty of insect life which was good to see (if only the council would leave more 'unkempt' areas for the wildlfe ..... it would cut down on cost too).
The way the plane and sculpture worked together pleased me but I couldn't quite get the sun flare right at the tip (a mix of dense bushes and being blinded) 

Late afternoon saw SWMBO and I heading into town to go and see Squirrel performing in her annual gymnastics exhibition (this year in the Festival Theatre).
Traffic was remarkably quiet so we were in plenty time for me to drop off SWMBO, go to park in Semple Street a mile away (much cheaper than the on-street robbery) and walk back taking some rubbish pictures of the modern architecture.
Again - the infrared camera was no good for pictures of the colourful 'characters' I passed who had been in the Gay Pride parade and gathering on The Meadows in front of Lady Findhorn's windows - (behind this place).

The show was superb with over 200 kids from 3 years to (I think) early 20's.
Their numbers incorporate one of the countries best gymnastic display teams who have won several international competitions. Not surprising when you see people appearing, flying 'effortlessly' over the heads of a pyramid 3 people high!!!
The wee ones can be quite funny finding it quite hard to follow the routines, but they have a great time.
Squirrel was 'interviewed' by the compare as they were leaving the stage at one point. She was completely unfazed and confident and clear despite it being a complete surprise to her and in front of over 1000 people.

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