Mrs Bob.

After loosing her husband to the Sparrow Hawk yesterday, I thought I'd give Mrs Bob a helping hand to feed her young and went out and bought some meal worms.
Shes not as brave as Bob but I'm hoping in time she will come closer. I woke up at 4am to the sound of her calling for Bob just like she did yesterday. Its a very sorry sound. I had to close the window and turn the fan up to drown it out.
I'd be a useless vet.

And in other news, the children have decided we are all going to Cornwall in September and Mr W agreed. I'm not sure what he's let himself in for, his wife and her 3 children all together, in Cornwall!!! Let the Airbnb search commence. We are booking it Sunday. Ive got that excited feeling back again after loosing it when we came home from Alaska! Watch out Lydia, you may well get to meet the whole clan!!


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