Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Little ladybird

Thank goodness the heatwave has broken and today is much more pleasant at 24C. Although yesterday's 34C does not sound that hot, I always think in the UK it is a hotter 34C than somewhere else! Likewise when it is 16C here, we think it is quite pleasant whereas in other warmer countries, that would be considered quite cold.

I seem to be doing all sorts of chores today - in addition Luke and I tried to arrange the table seating for his 21st - that is a tricky one, and we keep changing our minds so we still have not finalised it.

At our last camera group meeting last night we were set 'holiday homework' to photograph something suitable for a book cover. Have you ever noticed how many book covers are photographs, and which ones draw you to pick up the book and which ones don't? We discussed the different kinds of book covers - some just use large graphic titles and others use images that give you a sense of time and place of when and where the book is set. I will have to get my thinking cap on to see what I can come up with.

Here is a little ladybird, probably also hoping for some rain like the rest of us.

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