Passing on Memories

Dear Diary,

I stopped at the Ferjulian's farm stand to get new flowers for the cemetery.  I grew up right across the street from the orchards, on Chestnut Street.  I have wonderful memories of walking in the orchard with the grandfather of the current owners and his two huge Newfoundland dogs.  He told me that when I got off the school bus I could get an apple right from the tree if I wanted.

One day I did just that and my grandmother saw me emerge from the orchard with my shiny red apple.  She was horrified thinking I had just stolen the thing.  I told her that Mr. Ferjulian had said it was alright but she was dubious and we walked up the hill to the house, which you can see in the photograph, so I could pay for it.  Of course, she learned that I had been right which made me, only about seven years old, feel very smug.

I told this story to one of his grandchildren at the farm stand and they were just delighted by it.  It made me realize that telling our stories is such an important thing to do and if we get to pass them on to others it is even better.

Things have been in chaos here as my computer crashed and I've had to run around getting a new one and transferring every thing.  I will need a bit more time so I will be back with my comments as soon as I can!

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