Through A Car Window Idly

Many an hour has been spent over the years in cars ... waiting for shopping adventures to finalise. This time I was in Leura on a crisp winter's morning, idly pointing my camera in sundry directions, going "click" from time to time.. 

The horizontal shot top right, for example, was of the incoming lane at Leura Mall. The Winter Magic Festival  at neighbouring Katoomba was in full swing and so naturally the main entrance to Katoomba from the highway had been closed for the day?? The next most convenient access to Katoomba for the Sydney hoards was therefore the main street of Leura ... which seemed to be in permanent gridlock all morning. Well done fellas.

Lower right, of course was a shot in the other direction and is a highly fetching image of the dirt adorning my passenger side window. I think there'll be a little car washing tomorrow morning before we leave for our south coast vacation.

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