Rosedale Walking Festival 2017

We were treated to an excellent walk in wonderful weather. There was a variety of walks but opted for 'In Search of Andy Goldsworthy'. David Ross who paid for the Seated Man overlooking Westerdale has commissioned Andy to produce works of art in Northdale (Noddle to the locals) near Rosedale Abbey.

Ultimately there will be five. Two have been completed and planning has just been obtained for the third. We visited four of the sites today. Kate who led the walk had been given special permission to access the sculptures which are housed in old barns or specially built structures and are kept locked.

The extras show the sculptures. The first is 'The Hearth'. The tree for the roof beams was specially selected before being scorched. The story is that Andy searched far and wide for the correct tree. It was hoped it would be found on the estate however it was found on a different estate and had to be bought! The second was a specially built into the hillside where water could run inside bringing the red oxide (which the area is famous for) inside. In periods of wet weather it produces a red pool.
The main photo is the outside of this 'Red House'.

Well worth looking out for this festival next year. The tea shop walk was popular this year three tea shops in one walk......I wonder why?

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