Happy Birthday Grandad

Today we celebrated my dad's 70th birthday with a beach party. All of his kids, all but 2 of his grandkids, various spouses and other family along the way. We all converged on the North Bay of Scarborough and had a glorious time. I chose this as the blip as all of his children and all of the there-present grandchildren are in this shot (if you count me behind the camera!) We had 2 brilliant "celebration chalets" big versions of the beach huts, we all mucked in for a big barbecue/picnic. A spit fire did a fly past, the red arrows did us an epic display.... (that may also have been for armed forces day....). We swam and paddled in the sea. We ate lots of cake. All was very good. Extras today. 

Happy Birthday, Father xxxx 

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