This is Not An Osprey

It should be, though.  This was the one night he picked to fish somewhere else because Mary Jo came over specifically to see him.  We waited, cameras in hand, with terrific vantage points, but no osprey.  So, we went looking for a willing substitute subject and found this guy. 

I don't do many up close and personal bug photos so it was a perfect opportunity for practice.  He very cooperatively stayed quite still while Mary Jo and I snapped away.  Not sure whether he was just being nice or near death -- he didn't look as though he felt very well.  Anyway, with all that opportunity, a nice day, a willing subject and a good camera, why didn't I, at least, get a gorgeous, crisp shot?  Good question.   I hope Mary Jo did better.  

P.S.  What are those little yellow blobs under his eyes?  Anyone?

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