Corniche du Mejean

The advantage of the 25C drop in temperature from the 37 of our first week meant that it was not too hot for walking.

The tourist info said there was a pleasant green circular route 6 miles, with no scrambling or difficulties. We climbed up to Capluc, the peak above the village then continued along the track amongst small trees with numerous interesting limestone outcrops, following green paint marks. It was part of GR6, and as we got higher the views down to Peyreleau were fabulous. Our own village of Le Rozier was hidden by Capluc as we headed high above the Jonte river. We were mostly walking in a cool mizzle of rain though we got a soaking a a downpour not far from the village on our way back.

We were following the green and yellow paint marks and there were also the Red and white of the GR6 but we never found the turn off to our green short circuit. After 3 hours, and a bit of scrambling and some scary drops we were still in the Jonte valley with no signs of a way through the cliffs to the Tarn Gorge.

Just as we were about to turn back we met a couple of French girls who had a detailed map. We were about a third of the way round the 15 mile circuit - not what we'd intended to do! The girls said we had done the most strenuous part (and the most interesting!) and that the path soon got easier. However we could see we'd eventually reach various junctions for the several routes back, some quite challenging. We were not confident of spotting the correct green route so we decided to retrace our steps. Needless to say we were much quicker on the way back as we were not stopping so often to take photos or admire the soaring vultures.

Our walk was 9 miles on a rough path so my arthritic foot was complaining by the time we got back. However it was great to get high up get an interesting leg-stretch!

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