
The jab yesterday has done the trick to some extent and the hand is 80% better. So to make up for yesterday I mowed the lawn tied up some plants that had flopped, cut the edges & planted 4 plants that I bought. Everything watered in nicely too, then after lunch we went for an eye test where I had mixed news; I only needed one lens BUT I will need an op on my eyes in the next 2 years for cataracts (what a bummer !) I told the optician that if I needed the op I would need to be sedated before I would go in & that I would need handcuffs & leg irons to stop me running away. If there is something I am scared about more than anything that is problems with eyes .............................................................................................................................................................sorry I just fainted thinking about it .

Came home then did a few more little jobs in the garden before I BBQ ed a couple of tasty steaks along with peppers, Red onion & mushroom kebabs....loverly.

Hot sunny day today & thanks for all of your good wishes yesterday. I really will catch up with you later x

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