Weird Swans!

Over to Mum and Dad's today! My Dad and I cooked a pan of his home-grown potatoes between us today, to go with the lunch Estelle-next-Door made for them. Estelle has been a real heroine, helping out with all sorts. I don't know what we would have done without her. 

I had said I would do lunches, but my folks preferred for Estelle to do them. They know I don't do much "traditional" cooking, like stews, meat and veg etc., but Estelle is excellent at this type of food. My dad would eat the more "exotic" curries, pasta meals etc. that I make, but my Mum wouldn't!

When I came home I had to go into town to collect an online purchase from M&S, and I also went back to Joules and got a shirt I'd seen in their sale yesterday and regretted not buying!

I must put my spending ban back in place!!

The swans on the river in town were acting strangely. About six of them were floating around with one foot out of the water! It did look odd!

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