
Unexpected hot sunny day saw me slow to get started - in fact didn't start till 5.30 when I went up the allotment! Colourful Mai was already there so we had a chat -she gave me a courgette and I gave her some lavender! I then did some weeding and watering, and of course fed the hens! I started to tackle the long grass along the edge of my plot, that led to pruning the brambles still trying to encroach from the next field! Then I noticed the Comfrey next to the raspberries had gone over and so hacked that back! So of course I then had to do the same to the long border of it along the back of my plot! Such an amazing plant - new growth had already started at the base so soon the bees will be buzzing in it all over again! Next job was to tidy up all the cuttings - good job I had an empty composter! I once made a comfrey feed - never again! The stench was indescribable! A bit of pulling up of gone over poppies as the hens had their bedtime treat and then it was lock  down and home! The electric fence is still working! So I left it on all night so when I opened in the morning I could check whether it was a fluke or it is functional! 
P.S. This is the top of my plumbago! Masses of growth and flowers and of course I'm constantly having to picking off and pick up the dead sticky flowers! 

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