Flash Mob?

Neither Colourful Mai and i were up to travelling to London to take part in the Labour Austerity march but she saw a Facebook post about Flash Mobs in English cities in support of it. So to Plymouth we went dressed in red to take part - I even wore red lipstick! I have always wanted to be part of a flash mob, but since I can't dance, sing or play an instrument I never saw it happening! But I could chant " Oh Jeremy Corbyn" to the tune of The White Stripes Seven Nation Army as heard all over the place at the moment! It was interesting to read some peoples comments to Mai's post advertising the event - calling it a personality cult and a ridiculous event! I and others responded by saying it was a expression of support for the march and as one person said " a light hearted, positive and youthful event showing strength of feeling and support FOR Mr Corbyn and Labour's manifesto policies. It's a pleasant shift of emphasis from the usual fare - political protest AGAINST a measure (eg poll tax, public sector cuts, Iraq...)."
Anyway - on the way to the sundial we came across Phat Bollard busking - Nellie of the Woods' Barry used to play with them and Mai knows them well, and they do come from Calstock! There is a write up about them here. As we expected they declined joining us - they are not party specific just very vocal about corruption and a nicer way of living life! 
So we listened for a while then went on to the midday event. But we found only one other person and she was a friend of Mai's! Eventually a few more of her friends turned up, ten of us and a child! But we started the chant with great gusto and people looked and walked on! But as the mum of the child said, at least noone abused us! Dressed all in red we could have been mistaken for some religious sect!
Having done our bit we stopped at Waitrose (!) got some sushi and then went to my favourite garden - Tremarton! We ate our sushi on the grassy field in front of the castle then went in for coffee and cake! We had a leisurely stroll round the garden and saw the Castle Coop with the most beautiful silver laced Wyandottes - just like Henrietta on the plot only black and white! 
Political activism, Waitrose shopping and a beautiful place owned by Prince Charles - a well rounded day I'd say! Shame we were more a Flash Mobette! 

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